Sunday 16 December 2012

Flat Earth 4

I was wrong.  There are small signs that some people are beginning to see sense.

Dr Oz has invited Dr William Davis on his show as a guest and treated him respectfully in discussing the negative effects of wheat on health.  He has also discussed cholesterol truths with Jonny Bowden in a recent programme.

More research results are being published about the effects of insulin in fat accumulation and obesity in both insulin sensitive and resistant individuals, though there isn't universal agreement on what these mean.

Today I read that an endocrinology professor at John Hopkins Medical School has challenged the lipid hypothesis using exerpts from 'Supersize me' and 'Fat Head' films to stimulate debate amongst his students.

I imagined that medical students at a prestigious medical school would participate in this discussion with energy and enthusiasm.  Apparently not.  Most students started to leave and muttered disapproval as they did so.

Perhaps 'Invasion of the body snatchers' has come true.  Maybe mass indocrination from an early age has worked and students of higher education are no longer interested in seeking truth or engaging in science, just received opinion.



  1. When I was a student in Engineering, there was too much work to do. Anything that was not "prime exam material" was "optional". To get through the prime exam material, it was impossible to take in much optional stuff. Priorities control the schedule. I expect medicine is the same. It is not about good information, just getting through the courses. Time is in control, not the potential value of course material.

  2. Fred I understand your point, but insulin function is pretty central to endocrinology.

    Would geologists and mining engineers walk out on a professor talking about shale gas and fracking? It's about the core of how the subject develops, not some icing on the cake.

  3. Suzanne just found this whilst trying to update my own blog and it is aposite to my own health issues, one of which is insulin resistance the other the inability of my endocrinologist to accept that it might be the treatment not the patient which is wrong. thank you for rooting out all the info. Great work keep it up.

  4. There are a couple of interviews that may help you. Jimmy Moore talking to endocrinologist Dr Robert Lustig (about his recent book):
    Lustig is very clear: "Jimmy, bottom line is....."
    Lustig is big on fibre as a way to slow down absorption into the blood stream, giving the body a chance for slow digestion in the small intestine (so whole fruit, not juice, for example).

    Dr Thomas Dayspring (lipidologist) is also clear. He's a bit more wedded to drugs, but worth a listen anyway.
